Your Trusted Electronic Component Supplier

Welcome to Spinoff Electronics, your reliable source for high-quality electronic components. We specialize in providing a comprehensive range of electronic parts

About Us

At Spinoff Electronics, we are driven by a passion for technology

With a team of experienced professionals, we strive to deliver the highest quality electronic components to our clients. Our extensive product portfolio, combined with our commitment to customization and technical expertise, enables us to provide tailored solutions for a wide range of industries and applications.

Get in touch

Ready to source high-quality electronic components for your projects? Get in touch with Spinoff Electronics today. Our team of experts is here to assist you.

Our Mission

At Spinoff Electronics, our mission is to deliver exceptional electronic components that empower innovation and drive technological advancements. We strive to be a trusted supplier, providing reliable solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs. We are committed to fostering long-term partnerships, exceeding expectations, and contributing to the success of our clients’ projects.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a leading supplier in the electronics industry, recognized for our unwavering commitment to quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction. We aim to be the go-to partner for businesses seeking reliable electronic components, offering a diverse range of products, exceptional service, and unparalleled expertise.

Successful Projects

Instrument Cluster Algorithm
– Trip Computer
– Distance to empty
– Average Fuel Economy

Establishing CAN Communication with other RADAR Sensor ECUs / Domain Controller to exchange information on Detections and Objects.
– Integration of Tracker Algorithm in the Sensor units.
– OTA – Over the Air update support in the SW
– Establishing QSPI communication with External Flash WINBOND

We offer a variety of motor control solutions to address the needs
of motor configuration and functionality. Pulse-Width Modulators (PWMs) enabling variable speed with constant torque and Field-Oriented Control (FOC) for greater


Spinoff Electronics’ expertise in designing and implementing microcontroller-based solutions enables them to deliver customized and innovative products that cater to the specific needs of their clients.

In each of these applications, Spinoff Electronics leverages the power of microcontrollers to provide intelligent control, monitoring, and automation. The use of microcontrollers allows for efficient and cost-effective solutions, making them well-suited for diverse applications in different industries.

Don't keep idea as idea. Convert to products with us

Home Appliances

  • Water Purifier
  • Touch Solutions (Kitchen Chimney, Wall Toggle Switch Boards, Washing Machine, Microwave Oven, Induction Cooktops, etc.)
  • Lighting

EV Charger

  • Two-Wheeler & e-Rickshaw

Communication Solution

  • RF & IR Solutions

Security Solutions

  • Smoke, CO & Gas Detectors

Power Management

  • Stabilizers
  • Motor Starter
  • Inverter

Why Spinoff Electronics

We offer a comprehensive selection of electronic components, catering to a wide range of industries and applications.

Our products undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet industry standards and exceed customer expectations.

We understand that each project has unique requirements. Our team can customize solutions to match your specific needs.

Benefit from our competitive pricing structure, allowing you to optimize your project budgets without compromising on quality.

We have established strong relationships with trusted suppliers, ensuring a consistent and reliable supply chain.

Our knowledgeable support team is committed to providing outstanding service, technical assistance, and prompt responses to your inquiries.

Our Values


We believe in providing only the highest quality electronic components to our clients, ensuring reliability, performance, and longevity.

Customer Focus

Our clients are at the center of everything we do. We strive to understand their unique requirements and deliver tailored solutions that exceed their expectations.


We conduct our business with the utmost integrity, transparency, and ethical standards. Honesty, fairness, and trust are the foundations of our relationships with clients, suppliers, and partners.


We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. By fostering strong partnerships, both internally and externally, we can achieve mutual growth and success.


We embrace innovation and stay updated with the latest technological advancements in the electronics industry. We continuously seek new solutions to meet evolving market demands.


We are committed to conducting our business in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. We strive to minimize our environmental footprint.